Volunteers are crucial to all Clinic activities. This section features some of our volunteers in action. Our volunteers are dedicated to the children. Some have been volunteers with The Clinic for 30 years or as little as a year. They keep coming back because of the good they see happening at The Clinic and how the patients are helped. We feature several volunteers here and will rotate photos every 3-4 months. Please check back often to learn about our volunteers. New faces added May 2017.
Our float won first place in our division! Our theme: The Magic of Giving: Children Walk, Talk, See, Hear.

Close-up view of our magician elephant and the giving tree. Styrofoam apples were created for the tree with the face of one of our patients on each apple. Our faithful volunteers made over 1,000 tissue paper flowers to cover the float.

Each year, the White Elephant in Green Valley invites area non-profits to submit proposals for funding. This year we were fortunate to receive $65,000. Fr. Ed began the tradition of bringing a patient to the event, and our current Executive Director, Laura Romero continues this tradition. This year she brought Angela who had been at the event several years ago. Angela lives in Los Mochis, Sinaloa. She was born with legs shortened just below the hips. Below are photos of Angela at her first White Elephant event when she was wearing “stubbies” to get used to balancing on them. The photo on the right shows her wearing her full prostheses.

Phoenix Suns Charities
​Alysa, is 11 and lives in Hermosillo, Sonora. She is confined to a wheel chair due to spinal bifida. She gets needed adjustments to her wheel chair and a larger wheel chair when she grows. All provided by The Clinic in the Physical Therapy Department.

​Michelle James, MD is a volunteer from Shriners Hospital, Sacramento; she is discussing upcoming surgery with patient Lizmariana.

​María Fernanda, 11, lives in Hermosillo, Sonora. She was fitted with new glasses in the Vision Department.

Cardinal Charities
FHC Founndation
Green Mountain Charitable Foundation
HS Lopez Family Foundation

White Elephant Parade & Distribution Day - October and December 2016
​Vladimir is learning to read on a Braille writer with help from Vision Department volunteers.

​Ed Gerbesoni is a volunteer in the Vision Department. He is an orientation mobility teacher; he teaches cane skills. Here he is teaching Julio to use his cane.

Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Shipley Family Foundation
Steven Leuthold Family Foundation
Theordore Gebler Trust

White Elephant

​Dr. Valencia examines Nahima in the Orthopedics Department. She injured her knee recently. She is 8 and lives in Nogales, Sonora.


Generous donations from Individuals, Churches, Businesses and Organizations
Over 12,000 volunteer hrs by medical professionals annually
Over 5,000 volunteer hrs by non-medical professionals annually

​Dr. Greg Swingle examines a patient in the Audiology Department.

Learn more about our Programs

Foundation Grant Supporters:
Apgar Foundation
Arizona Diamondbacks
Barbara G Lamb Foundation
Benchmark Foundation

St. Andrew's Children's Clinic receives funding from individuals, churches, organizations, corporations, and foundations. No government funding is received from either the United States or Mexico. Of funding received, 98% goes to direct patient care. We thank everyone for their continued financial support of St. Andrew's Children's Clinic! From time to time, we will post information about our supporters. We respect the privacy of our supporters so not all will be included here. New stories were posted in January, 2017.
​2015/16 Grant provided support to our clinic and children. Thank you Phoenix Suns! Here are some of the children supported.

​Yalitzia, 6 yrs., from Hermosillo, Sonora. She is a double amputee who gets her prostheses adjusted or replaced as needed by The Clinic. She is a patient in the Orthotics & Prosthetics Department.

Nanette Burnett is a volunteer in the Physical Therapy Department. She is helping Isaac to develop his balance.