Fayle is 8 years old and lives in Nogales, Sonora. She comes to The Clinic to the Vision Department. She is blind and a clinic volunteer is teaching her how to use a braile writer.
Jorge is from the Ciudad de Obregon, Sonora he is 18 years old and is a patient in the Audiology Dept..
Luis Garcia from Nogales, Sonora is a patient in the Dermatalogy Department.
Maria is 2 years old and is from the Ciudad of Obregon. She is a patient in the Dermatology Department. Mia has epilepsy and giant congenital nevus.
Josue from Nogales, Sonora is 3 years old and is a patient in the Orthopedics Department.
Carlos is a patient in the Nurtrion Departement for his cleft lip. He is 2 years old and is from Nogales, Sonora.
Achilies is 14 years old and is a patient in Physical Therapy and Nutrition Departments.
Mia is 3 years old and is a patient in the Orthopedics Depertment. Mia has a clubfoot.
Octavio is 18 years old and is from Hermosillo, Sonora at age 17 he was an accident that caused him to be a double amputee. Octavio and his mother came to The Clinic with hope and faith that he would walk again. With help from all The Clinic volunteers he will walk again.
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